Creative Differences is a glimpse into a more sustainable future, where materials we use are
no longer passive recipients of design but active participants in their shaping process. While
common human approaches seek to eliminate difference, inhomogeneity is nature’s generative
mechanism of variety and harmony. This creative power of heterogeneity in matter and society
drives Automorph network, a collaboration between scientists and designers, to work together
on the concept of self-shaping matter.
Curated as a journey through three abstract landscapes, the installation sheds light on
natural models of self-shaping, and speculates how these could be harnessed to fabricate future
morphologies. Triggered by air, humidity or heat, two dimensional materials come into life,
becoming three dimensional artifacts that construct urban, underwater or field imaginary
landscapes. Creative Differences advocates for a future material culture, where beyond unique
aesthetic qualities, new relations with our planet are imagined.